Please join me as I host my first composition masterclass for emerging, young, and student composers!
It's free to participate, and open to all. It will be held on Zoom, with a limited number of attendees, so if you're interested, sign up as soon as possible. (If you're new to Zoom, it's a free app that you can download on any device, and you don't need an account to join.)
If you'd like to submit a piece for discussion, try to keep it under 3 minutes long. If your piece is longer than 3 minutes, we'll only focus on the first 3 minutes. It is recommended that you have some sort of audio recording (whether live or sampled) and a notated score if at all possible.
Approximately 3-5 pieces will be played and discussed. All composers will also have a chance to ask a question that may be answered in the course of the workshop, or as part of a Q&A session at the end of the session. I'll try to get to as many of them as possible.
The works that are selected for discussion will primarily be pieces that I feel I can develop an instructive conversation around, that is relatable to the widest possible audience. (So in other words, the final decisions will not, in any way, be a comment on the quality of your music!)
This workshop is primarily geared towards concert music, although film/video game/media score cues will also be considered. Pieces in all styles (i.e. tonal, non-tonal) and written for all instrumental and vocal ensembles will be considered. When deciding on what to submit, though, it's worthwhile to consider my own musical output and composition style.
This workshop will also be recorded for possible posting on my YouTube channel/IGTV once it's finished. If your piece is selected, but you're not comfortable with having your piece shared online, you will be given the opportunity to opt out and we'll simply edit your segment out of the final shared video. Due to logistics, all audience members (whether presenting or not) will need to confirm that they're willing to have their Zoom name and image included in the final video and any promotional materials (e.g. social media posts) related to the masterclass. Those who still want to participate but don't actually want their names/images shown should simply turn off their cameras and use a pseudonym when in the session.
One last thing... don't stress! Seriously, it will be fun.
- Chris